One thing does better then any streaming devices, is continuous updates to their OS. Most devices still can be upgraded to the new operating system as they are released. Roku has officially started to roll out updates on some of their media players, however not tv’s yet as per Cordcutternews. It may take months before every user sees their device updated. This also gives Roku a chance to fix any bugs as they slowly roll out the update.
In the meantime, let’s take a look at the new features that can be Found in Roku 13 OS
New Backdrops – Interactive Art Found In Roku OS 13
Backdrops is essentially Roku’s new version of screen savers. Honestly a quite underwhelming feature, Roku is looking to imitate the idea between the ultra thin Samsung tv’s. Where you can get mounting frames and add screen savers to make it look like a work of art, helping disguise your tv.
It seems like Roku could have simply just added in some new screen savers instead of announcing this as one of the prime new feature with OS 13
Roku Smart Picture – Changing Video Quality
Most users don’t know how much changing your video settings can improve your viewing experience. For examples, settings for Movies may be different then settings for sports. Now with Roku OS 13, it will automatically switch for you. This will also adjust your settings if you move your media player to another TV. Great addition to take out the pain of constantly adjusting settings.
Mobile App Get’s New Navigation
Roku has made new adjustments to it’s mobile app to continue integrating it with Roku media players.
- The navigation bar is now broken into five universal tabs: Home, Search, Remote, Devices and Account.
- Popular Content can now be found through the “Top searched TV and Movies”
- Search results will be more visually immersive when browsing new categories and actors
Roku City Has Added Cars
Roku City has now added cars. If you don’t know, Roku city is the popular screensaver with a ton of hidden easter eggs. Roku is continuing to try and make this a fun interactive feature for users to enjoy. For me, not that exciting.
Down below we have my full break down of all the features. Check out our new forum to get help and support. Please follow us on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter for more streaming news.